Holloway Prison Site Fire Statement

FDS Consult UK is proud to announce its involvement with Peabody’s exciting new development at Holloway Prison Site having provided a fire statement for the project.

Peabody has submitted a full detailed planning application for a 60% affordable housing led scheme on the former Holloway Prison site, following extensive consultation with FDS Consult UK and the local community.

The plans would see the historic site opened to the public for the first time and will deliver a significant amount of new homes, including 415 at social rent. Also included in the plans is a 1.4 acre public park, a 1,489 sqm Women’s Building and new commercial spaces. The development will have over 2,000 cycle spaces and create new connections throughout the site, with parks, private gardens, and green roofs. To meet local housing needs, most of the social homes will be two and three-bedroom homes for families, and there will also be 60 Extra Care one-bedroom homes and a sensory garden.

Work on the site is expected to start at the end of 2022 and will create 51 apprenticeships, with an ambitious target of 30% of these for women. Before the buildings come down, a legacy project will identify which elements of the former prison can be kept and how the site’s past can be honoured in the future public spaces.

Peabody has held consultation events and hundreds of hours of community meetings to understand the priorities of local people and the feedback from these has helped to shape the plans. 10,000 households in the surrounding area have been invited to have their say directly. Local residents, community groups, former staff and women with lived experience were also welcomed on over 100 tours of the site, which have now paused for the winter months.

More details can be found at Hollowayprisonconsultation.co.uk
Images courtesy of Secchi Smith.